Jon Wahl » Parent Information

Parent Information

Parents you may contact me through email at [email protected].
Physics parents may join our class Remind by sending "@wahlphysic" to the number 81010.
Chemistry parents may join our class Remind by sending "@wahlchem" to the number 81010.
My classroom phone number is 615-904-6771 ext. 31715
You may keep up with grades through Skyward.  Make sure you have set up your parent access.
Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions you or your student may have.
As a teacher in any of my classes, I try to create an atmosphere of mutual respect and enjoyment.  My class may be challenging on its face, but that is why I am here for your student.  My job is to help them to understand what may be difficult content and to gain skills that they may not have had before.  Success in my class is all about the work.  Students will be asked to do many tasks.  Each one builds upon the last so that they are able to do complex tasks and understand complex material in a much easier way.  The greatest help you can give your student is to make sure they are completing the classroom tasks and not getting behind.  Students who get behind can seem overwhelmed and frustrated.  I will be here to help them as much as I can.  We can use ICU time and I can be here before or after school with prior arrangement.